As an easy-to-use sealing haemostat, surgeons rely on HEMOPATCH to control intraoperative bleeding and post-operative leakage. Surgeons prefer HEMOPATCH for its strong tissue adherence and flexibility, as well as its handling and ease of use.1,2
Image of Hemopatch product

Image showing the benefits of using Hemopatch - less days in ICU and hospital, less complications equals less cost

Improving Outcomes

Surgeons have few tools to prevent post-operative pancreatic fistulas. HEMOPATCH demonstrated significant cost savings and improved patient outcomes.6

Image of two gloved hands holding Hemopatch product

Fast and Effective Sealing and Hemostasis

92% of surgeons rated HEMOPATCH as highly satisfactory for its ease of use, handling, flexibility/pliability and tissue adherence characteristics in open and laparoscopic procedures. Successful haemostasis after two minutes of approximation occurred in 93% of patients.1,2


Mechanism of Action

When you apply HEMOPATCH Sealing Haemostat directly to moist tissue, two processes combine to seal the surface and induce haemostasis.2

Additional Product Benefits

Strong adherence to the tissue surface

HEMOPATCH rapidly adheres to applied tissue due to the electrophilic cross-linking action of NHS-PEG. The patch provides mechanical structure to support friable tissue.2

Designed for utmost flexibility

Soft, thin and flexible collagen pad allows easy handling and preparation for MIS applications. No preparation or pre-moistening required.1,2

Reduce post-operative complications

HEMOPATCH may decrease post-operative pancreatic fistulas, CSF leakage, and the number of transfusions and revisions in cardiac surgery as compared to the standard of care.  Reducing these post-operative complications results in substantial cost savings.3,4,5

Baxter takes safety of our products and patients very seriously. If you would like to report an adverse event with Baxter drugs (e.g. Tisseel, Artiss, …), you can contact Baxter directly: [email protected] or you can report it via authority’s website:

For Belgium: www.eenbijwerkingmelden.be or www.notifieruneffetindesirable.be

For Luxembourg: www.guichet.lu/pharmacovigilance

Any medical device product quality complaints (including medical device adverse incidents) relating to Baxter products should be sent to EMEA SHS Complaints Intake [email protected]